Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 67 ~ Ciudad Obregon ~ Elder Salomon

So, well I have been District Leader for about 2 weeks now and man, just let me tell you, it is really stressful... haha I have to call all the companionships that are in my district every night, then after I have to call the zone leaders. So we pretty much end the night pretty late! Its pretty rough and also fun at the same time. This past Friday I did an interview with an investigator that was preparing to be baptized, he lives in a little town about an hour outside of Obregon, so we planned on heading out there at about 3:00pm. So we went to the bus stop and started waiting (here in Mexico they don't have set times of when the buses come).... and we waited and waited... we waited for 3 hours and finally we got on the bus, but then the bus took 2 hours to get there!! haha so we got there, but the story is not over.... we then had to ride a bike with two people on it for about 2 miles.... haha and remember the types of bikes that are here in Mexico, especially for me. So I pedaled and my companion rode, I can only imagine what people thought when they saw us... haha but we finally got there and I interviewed him. It was a cool experience!! This was my first baptismal interview that I have conducted. Then after the interview we had to ride the bike back and hurry and get on a bus that wasn't there.... we waited again like 1 hour, it came and we got home at 9:45 in the night!! It was a crazy, tiring day!! But I love these memories that I am creating and that I will be able to look back on a laugh about. 

This week on the other hand was a very, very hard week .... none of our investigators were home... none answered their doors... so we walked a lot this week.. but from all of our troubles and difficultly, we received a huge blessing from our Heavenly Father! We received a call from Elizabeth (the lady that I just baptized), she asked us if we could come by later... so we did and she introduced us to her future husband!! haha and the best part is that he wants to be baptised!!! haha it was so awesome, a huge blessing with the bad, rough week we had!!  His baptismal date is for the 28th of February! 

I love you all and I'm having a great time here with Elder Salomon! love ya and have a great week!

Elder Horlacher

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